Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Jack Kent Cooke

Our Scholarships

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need.

Young Scholars Program

Offers the most personalized, generous scholarship and educational support to exceptionally promising students from families across the nation who have financial need.

College Scholarship Program

An undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend the nation’s best four-year colleges and universities.

Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship

A highly-selective scholarship for the nation’s top community college students seeking to complete their bachelor’s degrees at selective four-year colleges or universities.

$304 Million
Awarded in Scholarships
3,400 Cooke Scholars
Current Scholars and Alumni
$136 Million
Awarded in Grants
Faith Culhane

Initially, I planned on becoming a nurse practitioner. But with the scholarship dismantling the barriers of cost, I started imagining what I would do with my life if I had unlimited resources.

Faith Culhane
Cooke Scholar
Faith Culhane

Faith Culhane

“Pulse Orlando” is a piece that Faith wrote after the tragic shooting in her hometown. Watch her performance below, recorded at our recent Scholars Weekend. Please note: content includes subject matter and  strong language that may be upsetting for some audiences.